A bank consultant with 35 years of experience as a federal bank examiner responsible for the regulation and oversight of a variety of community and mid-sized institutions. Demonstrated skill in all areas of bank operation with a specialty in credit analysis and risk management during various economic cycles and banking condition.
National bank examiner
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
February 1987-January 2019
Fort Worth, TX
Senior Examiner-in-Charge
Responsible for the regulatory supervision of community and mid-sized banks including:
Customizing examination scopes
Employing “best practices” methodologies
Evaluating bank policies, procedures, and systems
Overseeing all aspects of examinations and determining final ratings
Delivering final results to executive management and the Board of Directors
Effective bank portfolio manager
Authority to communicate and enforce District and National policy. Served as one of the most tenured examiners in the Fort Worth Field Office with regulatory oversight experience since the late 1980s. Significant experience in dealing with troubled banks throughout the south central and south eastern regions of the country.
Experienced Trainer
A focus on developing subordinate examiners. Led two formal training teams, numerous seminars, and national and local committees designed to improve examination processes and functions.
Bachelor of Business Administration
Real Estate Finance
Texas Tech University
Formal and informal training in all areas of bank examinations provided by the OCC, FFEIC, and outside training vendors.
Recognized with numerous Distinguished Service Awards throughout OCC career.